NeoCheck is certified as an PYME Innovadora (innovative SME) before the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Spain.

Companies that comply with the provisions of article 6 of Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13, on bonuses in the Social Security contribution of research personnel, may bear the “innovative SME” seal.

Order ECC / 1087/2015, of June 5 published in the Official State Gazette of June 11, regulates the obtaining of the innovative SME seal and the operation of the Registry of Small and Medium-sized Innovative Companies.

Criteria for being an innovative SME

An SME will be considered to be innovative when one of the following circumstances occurs:

a) When it has received public financing in the last three years, without having been revoked due to incorrect or insufficient execution of the financed activity, through:

  • Public calls within the framework of the VI National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation or the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.
  • Aid for carrying out R + D + i projects, from the Center for Industrial Technological Development.
  • Calls for the 7th Framework Program for R & D & I or the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union.

b) When it has demonstrated its innovative nature, through its own activity:

  • For having their own patent in operation in a period not exceeding five years prior to the exercise of the bonus right.
  • For having obtained, in the three years prior to the exercise of the bonus right, a positive binding reasoned report for the purposes of applying the deduction referred to in article 35 of the consolidated text of the Corporation Tax Law, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004, of March 5.

c) When it has demonstrated its capacity for innovation, through one of the following official certifications recognized by the Ministry of Economy:

  • Young Innovative Company (JEI), according to the AENOR EA0043 Specification.
  • Innovative small or micro-company, according to the AENOR EA0047 Specification.
  • Certification according to the UNE 166.002 standard “R & D + i management systems”.

NeoCheck and the CDTI

NeoCheck is considered an innovative SME since it has received public funding in the last three years through grants for carrying out R + D + i projects from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).

The CDTI is a public business entity dependent on the General Secretariat for Innovation of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Since 1977 the CDTI carries out financial support and technological advice to Spanish companies, with the aim of managing R & D & I grants from the Government of Spain, nationally and internationally. It is part of the European Network of Innovation Agencies.

Find out what can we do for you

In NeoCheck® we strive to satisfy all the needs of our customers in terms of Document Verification and Biometric Identification. From web-based solutions, mobile applications to specialized components (we have our own research and development team). And of course, we try to deploy the most advanced and flexible technology at affordable prices, as well as providing them with the best support. Therefore, we regularly organize online courses and workshops related to the world we know best: Document and ID Verification.