SEPBLAC is the Spanish Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses. SEPBLAC certification proves that NeoCheck’s Onboarding KYC procedure complies with Spanish Law 10/2010, of April 28. This law prevents money laundering and financing of terrorism, being in accordance with SEPBLAC procedure authorizations.

NeoCheck authentication service gives our clients flexibility and cost savings, while maintaining the high levels of security necessary to guarantee access to confidential data and applications,” explains Pablo Quevedo, Manager of Operations and IT infrastructure at SUMA Mexico.

What is the SEPBLAC Certificate?

Under article 21.1 of Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, Sepblac has authorized the use of video-identification procedures for clients. Specifically in non-face-to-face operations subject to the minimum specifications established in the document Authorization of video-identification procedures. Said authorization will be effective from June 1, 2017.

NeoCheck Authorized Video-Identification Procedure

In March 2016, the SEPBLAC authorized the obligated subjects to use non-face-to-face identification procedures through videoconference. The promotion of technological innovation in the financial sector now recommends also authorizing video-identification procedures. In those processes there is no online interaction between the potential client and an agent or operator of the obligated subject. Without interaction and its replacement by a subsequent control of the recording. However, this increases the risks, which justifies additional precautions.

According to article 21.1.d) of the Regulation of Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, obligated subjects can use video-identification procedures when they have a series of minimum specifications. NeoCheck’s Onboarding KYC procedure complies with these requirements and has the Official SEPBLAC Certification.

Find out what can we do for you

In NeoCheck® we strive to satisfy all the needs of our customers in terms of Document Verification and Biometric Identification. From web-based solutions, mobile applications to specialized components (we have our own research and development team). And of course, we try to deploy the most advanced and flexible technology at affordable prices, as well as providing them with the best support. Therefore, we regularly organize online courses and workshops related to the world we know best: Document and ID Verification.